Vinyl Liner Leak Detection

Losing water but can’t find the leak?
If your pool has a rip or a hole in the liner, we may be able to locate and repair it.
Hurry! Leaky liners can cause additional problems when left undiagnosed. Carpenter ants & termites are attracted to chemicals in some liners and may cause problems if they are not taken care of.
Don't wait until you are losing substantial amounts of water before contacting our team at MCM.
Even if the source of the leak is not visible, we have state-of-the-art leak detecting equipment that can find a hole of any size. As long as the pool has not frozen over, no matter the temperature, our team is prepared to deal with leaky liners.
Schedule Leak Detection!
Leaks are no joke.
Let us help you find the leak before you lose too much water and it causes more damage.